About: The next General Assembly; Kennedy Reed Medal; Meet out team; 2021 ICPE Medal; Early Career Scientist Prizes.
33rd IUPAP General Assembly, “Topology protects robust function in biology” by Evelyn Tang, “Experiences applying for US Visas”, a survey of the US National Academies of Sciences, IUPAP Early Career Scientist Prize
The first new IUPAP president’s note after the 33rd General Assembly, Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Working Group 5 Women in Physics, IUPAP call for hosting the General Assembly and restarting the IUPAP lnternational Conference on Physics series in 2027, IUPAP Early Career Scientist Prize
About: The next General Assembly; Nepal as IUPAP Associate Territorial Member; Nobel Prize in Physics; IUPAP Working Group 21; IUPAP Interdisciplinary Early Career Scientist Prize 2022-2023; Early Career Scientist Prize.
About: International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development 2024 – 2033 (IDSSD); StatPhys29; African School of Fundamental and Applied Physics; ICWIP 2023; Early Career Scientist Prize.
About: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Sustainable Development; IUPAP Statement on ban on women from higher education in Afghanistan; PLANCK 2023; ICWIP 2023; 2023 IUPAP Medal for the Physics of Life; Early Career Scientist Prize.