Application for Conference Sponsorship

Application for Conference Sponsorship
  • Application deadline for conferences to be held in 2026: 1 June 2025

    • Fill in the blanks below.
    • When you submit this form using the button below, copies will be sent to the Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary of the Commission you have selected under "Name of IUPAP Commission", as well as to the Associate Secretary General and to the IUPAP Office.
    • Please note that all Type D conference (workshop in developing countries) must select C13 as "Name of IUPAP Commission". For applications under C13 - Type D conferences kindly confirm that the hosting country falls under the developing category (any country that IS NOT in the list of “high-income” countries in, is eligible).
    • Then press the submit button at the bottom of the form to have your application sent.

    Application for Conference Sponsorship

    Before completing this form, please read the IUPAP policies for the sponsorship of IUPAP conferences.

  • 1. Basic Information

  • Conference title *
  • Location
  • Location
  • Please key in only numbers in Euros
  • Please key in only numbers in Euros
  • Please key in only numbers in Euros
  • 2. Scientific value of conference and committees

    A) Ongoing series: Briefly describe the scope of the conference. There should be a clear need for the proposed conference. A statement should be given why the series should be continued. Please email a programme and list of speakers from one or more recent conferences to the IUPAP secretariat


    New conference: Bearing in mind that the proliferation of conferences is of general concern, describe below the particular reason for holding this conference. Its relationship to existing conferences should also be given.

  • Scientific quality, international characer and diversity

    B) The composition of Advisory and Program Commitees should give evidence of scientific quality, international characer and diversity. It is expected that all IUPAP sponsored conferences include women as members of their program committees.

    Please provide a list of the program committee with evidence that women are included. Enter one committee member per line and indicate women members with an * after their name.

  • Indicate how the proceedings of this conference will be published

    C. Acceptance of papers should be based on a refereeing system which assures a level comparable with that of papers in regular journals. Every effort should be made to have the proceedings of the conference published in order to make them widely and easily available to the scientific community. Publication of proceedings as a special issue of a regular journal or on the world wide web is encouraged.

    Please indicate how this conference is responsive to these issues.
  • Indicate how this conference adequate representation of applied aspects

    D. IUPAP policy calls for adequate representation of applied aspects wherever appropriate, and - at general conferences - the encouragement of a Public Lecture.

  • 3. Please enter the number of:

  • 4. Conference cycle

  • 5. International participation

    To qualify for IUPAP sponsorship:

    1. The meeting must be open to scientists regardless of nationality and citizenship.

  • 6.Organisation

  • Please note that all Type D conference (workshop in developing countries) must select C13 as "Name of IUPAP Commission".

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.