
Chief Intellectual Property Officer
Centro de Investigaciones en Optica
Loma del Bosque 115, Colonia Lomas del Campestre
León, Guanajuato, México
Código Postal 37150

Phone: +52 (477) 441 4200

Fax: +52 (477) 441 4209

Director, Center for Coherence and Quantum Optics
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY 14627

Phone: + 1 (585) 275 8538

Optics Lab. University of Vigo
Escola de Enxeñería Aeroespacial
As Lagoas s/n. Ourense, 32004. Spain

Phone: +34 988 38 72 20

Associate Secretary: Dr. Frank Höller

Carl Zeiss AG
Carl-Zeiss-Straße 22
73447 Oberkochen, Germany

Phone: +49-(0)7364 – 20 4399

Senior Researcher and Head of Applied Physics
Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)
Strada Costiera, 11
I-34151 Trieste, Italy

Phone: +39 040 2240 607


Elected Vice-Presidents

Prof. Dr. John Harvey (Elected from industry)

University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019

Phone: +64 (0) 9 923 8831

Dr. Sara Otero (Elected from industry)

Radiantis, S.L.
Polígon Camí Ral, Carrer de Copèrnic, 2-4,
08850 Gavà, Barcelona. Spain

Phone: +34 936 38 97 63

Prof. Dr. Qihuang Gong

Physics Department. Peking University
209 Chengfu Rd, Haidian Qu, Beijing, 100871 China

Phone: +86 10 6276 5884

Faculty of Physics
South Ural State University
Lenin Avenue, 76, Chlyabinsk 454081, Russia

Phone: +7 (351) 267 9041

School of Physical Sciences
University of Kent
Room 301, Ingram Building
Canterbury, CT2 7NH, UK

Phone. +44 1227 823 272

Prof. Dr. Seung-Han Park

Department of Physics
College of Science
Yonsei University, Seoul 120-749. Korea

Phone: +82 2 2123 2617

Fax: +82 2 392 3374

Institute of Physics
Polish Academy of Sciences
Al. Lotników 32/46
PL-02-668 Warsaw, Poland

Phone: + 48 22 843 66 01

Engineering School of Communications of Tunis (Sup’Com)
University of Carthage
Cite Techno. Com. -Rte Raoued Km 3,5
2083 Gazala Ariana Tunisia

Phone: + (216) 71857000 (#1025)

Fax: +(216) 71856829

Appointed Vice-Presidents

Prof. Dr. Kent D. Choquette (Appointed by the IEEE Photonics Society)

IEEE Photonics Society President
Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept. University of Illinois
3108 Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory
208 N. Wright Street, Urbana, IL 61801

Phone: +1 217-265-0563

Prof. Gert von Bally (Appointed by OWLS)

Center for Biomedical Optics and Photonics (CeBOP)
University of Münster
Robert-Koch-Str. 45
D-48149 Münster Germany

Phone: + 49 175 2069916

Prof. Dr. Paul Urbach (Appointed by EOS)

Applied Sciences
TU Delft
Room:E008 Postbus 5
2600 AA Delft
The Netherlands

Phone: +31 15 2789406

Prof. Dr. Ahmadou WAGUÉ (Appointed by LAM Network)

Department of Physics
University Cheikh Anta Diop
Dakar, Senegal

Phone: +221 77 634 19 61

Dr. Carmina Londoño (Appointed by SPIE)

National Science Foundation
2415 Eisenhower Av, Alexandria
Virginia 22314, USA

Phone: +1 703 292 5111

IUPAP Executive Council Delegate

Instituto de Ciencias Fisicas, UNAM
Av. Universidad s/n, Col. Chamilpa
Cuernavaca, Morelos, 62210, México

Phone: +55 5622-1731

Fax: (52) 5556 227731

Please send updated information and corrections to the IUPAP Administrator.