The IUPAP Commission on Physics for Development (C13) was established by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics in 1981 to promote the exchange of information and views among the members of the international scientific community in the general field of Physics for Development, including the following:

  • Help in appropriate ways the improvement of the conditions of physics and physicists in developing countries
  • Propose and, if appropriate, support initiatives to promote the contribution of physics to industrial development
  • Collect and distribute relevant information on opportunities for Physics Development.

Once every three years, C13 bestows the IUPAP Medal for Outstanding Achievements in Physics for Development, with the first awarded in 2017. The Medal winner receives the Medal, along with a certificate and €3000, during the convening of the IUPAP General Assembly, where the recipient presents a paper on the work upon which the Medal selection was made.

A major activity of C13 has been the collaboration with the International Union of Crystallography that launched a program called Lightsources for Africa, the Americas, Asia, Middle East and Pacific (LAAAMP), which seeks to enhance crystallography and advanced light source research and training in targeted regions of the world, including Africa, Mexico, the Caribbean, Southeast Asia, Middle East and the Pacific Islands. One of its projects sends FAculty-STudent (FAST) Teams to advanced light sources around the world for two months of training on a myriad of beamline and accelerator techniques. Another project establishes crystallography schools in various countries to train students and researchers in crystal characterization and X-ray diffraction techniques. Other activities include sending speakers to the targeted regions for presentations on LAAAMP’s programs and disseminating a brochure entitled, Advanced Light Sources and Crystallography: Tools of Discovery and Innovation.

For the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development, C13 will host conferences and workshops in several countries to further its goals of highlighting various approaches of applying the results of physics research to address the many challenges facing countries around the world.

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Mari¦üa Josefina Robles A¦üguila and Student Ana Karen Sa¦ünchez Herna¦ündez_2019 LAAAMP_CLS

Oluseyi Philip Oladijo and Student Resego Phiri at SLRI_LAAAMp 2018