To learn about calls for nominations for C18 awards that are currently open, please visit the C18 News page.

IUPAP Early Career Scientist Prize in Mathematical Physics

C18 is pleased to announce the award of IUPAP Early Career Scientist Prizes in Mathematical Physics to the below recipients in recognition of their outstanding contribution to the areas of physics within the remit of the Commission.


Ivan Corwin , Alessandro Giuliani and Wojciech de Roeck


Rupert L. Frank , Benjamin Schlein and Simone Warzel

The IUPAP Young Scientist prize is awarded triennially to at the most three young scientists satisfying the following criteria:

The recipients of the awards in a given year should have a maximum of 8 years of research experience (excluding career interruptions) following their PhD on January 1 of that year. The recipients should have performed original work of outstanding scientific quality in mathematical physics. Preference might be given to young mathematical physicists from developing countries.

Nominations for the three prizes for the period 2018-2020 will be solicited in 2017. Please contact Manfred Salmhofer if you need further information.

Please send updated information and corrections to the IUPAP Administrator.