Working Group 20 (WG20) was created by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics in 2022 at the 31st IUPAP General Assembly, that was held (online) in Trieste, Italy. The Working Group on Open Science has the following mission/mandate:
- Make a recommendation for a strategy to foster a culture of open science and aligning incentives for open science across all disciplines of physics—in particular, lay out the requirements to be put in place, with regards to open science, for IUPAP sponsored and endorsed conferences.
- Closely follow the implementation of the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science and take part in relevant UNESCO Open Science Working Groups to advocate the interest of physics.
- Survey open science practices in physics and share the findings with the IUPAP commissions.
- Establish a resource for physics of open science infrastructures, tools, and techniques. Organize a big event on Open Science in the framework of IYBSSD, possibly in Honduras (June 2023).