Territorial Members

IUPAP territorial members are representatives of identified physics communities across the world. There are currently 60 territorial members, listed below.

Corporate Associate Members

They are commercial companies or international research organizations that have a special relationship with the field of physics or scientific research. Working Group 16, Physics and Industry, maintains a dedicated web site for Corporate Associate Members.

Associate Territorial Members

“Associate Territorial Members” of IUPAP are relatively small national physics communities from developing territories. This category is established to facilitate a first step towards full territorial membership. Associate Territorial Members must commit to grow its physics activities and community. IUPAP will monitor this progress over a three-year period, renewable for however long it takes to bring the territory to a level where it can realistically join IUPAP as a regular Territory Member.

Personal Members

These are Ex-Officio members comprising only the Chairs of IUPAP Commissions or Affiliated Commissions. They have voting rights but are exempted from paying membership dues.

For information on the year of joining the Union and the Number of shares and votes held by each member country, click here.